How To Tell The Difference Between Fake And Real Damascus Steel Kitchen Knives?
Posted by Best.Buy. Damascus1 on
Every chef deserves to have their own Damascus steel kitchen knives. The problem is that the market is flooded with fake knives and it can be difficult for a beginner to tell if they are genuine Damascus steel kitchen knives. Things are not always as simple as they seem, so whether you are looking to upgrade or just starting out with these types of knives, it is important to know what you are looking for so that you don't get lost with a fake knife.
What Is Damascus Steel?
For those of you who are not familiar with Damascus steel, it is an alloy that was originally used in the manufacture of swords. For many years, people have been trying to figure out how to create durable swords with blades that do not rust over time. By putting layers upon layers of metal together, this is how a flexible but still durable metal alloy was developed. The problem was that as soon as the swords started to become popular, many people started to counterfeit them, and now you can find counterfeit Damascus steel almost everywhere.
What Does A Damascus Steel Knife Look Like?
Traditional Damascus steel knives usually have a wavy pattern running the length of the blade, but some modern knives only have this on the front.
What Are Fake Damascus Steel Knives?
Counterfeit Damascus steel knives look like real knives but are different in composition. In comparison, real knives are usually an alloy of two types of steel, which ensures their strength and resistance to rust. Counterfeit Damascus knives are usually made from a single stainless or carbon steel and the pattern is obtained only by acid or laser engraving.
How To Tell The Difference Between Fake And Real Damascus Steel Kitchen Knives?
Check the engraving
When checking whether your Damascus steel knife is genuine, first look carefully at the engraving. Many fake knives try to reproduce this look by using acid etched into the blade, but some are barely visible and can easily be missed (especially cheaper models).
On the other hand, if the engraving is clearly visible and well done, you are most likely working with a genuine Damascus steel knife.
Steel quality inspection
The quality of the steel can also reveal whether a knife is real or not. Genuine Damascus knives are made from a high-quality alloy, which means they will be hard but flexible. If you try to bend the blade, it should come back straight without breaking or showing signs of wear. Counterfeit knives, on the other hand, are made of cheap steel which is soft and can break if forced to bend in a certain way.
If it is cheap, it is most likely counterfeit.
Finally, one of the easiest ways to tell if your Damascus steel kitchen knife is a fake is to simply look at the price tag. If it is too good to be true, then there is a good chance that the Damascus knife you are looking at is a fake. Instead of buying such a knife, consider spending a little more money to get one that is worth the price.
It all depends on whether your knife is made from genuine Damascus steel. If it is, the engraving should be visible and well-formed. Although once popular in the past, these knives are fast regaining their popularity among chefs all over the world because they work well in a professional environment. It is important to use these tips when you want to buy a Damascus steel knife to make sure you get one made from authentic materials and not fakes.
If you are shopping for a quality Damascus steel kitchen knife, be sure to visit our shop to buy authentic Damascus steel kitchen knives. We have only the best, genuine Damascus steel kitchen knives that are sure to satisfy your needs!